Tuesday, December 24, 2013

75 jason hess wins another masters state title
74 lathrup picks up ex essex brass guys and gets older
73 in a early break the Williams bros ride ryan cross off there wheels to go 1/2 at the Lansing cit
72 some short forienger laps the field "clean" at the bigman crit late august
71 dc slows his roll for the year
70 the lil pony keeps wining at 45
69 sjd got real good late summer
68 .roddage is in full effect early on
67.chunky clunckage has troubles early on in x 2013
66 .scott hoffener wins the westbranch rr in a close call against kidA
65.the bunny is everywhere
64.miscene loses the alan antonuck to California
63 Tuesdays with lemmy first appear in the spring of 13
61 the honey badger drops the Agame late in the day and wins solo against the biggest field of barry ruby in march
60 ron catlin kills dudes early on in 2013
59 brad white beats sven breathing ithaca september
58 simonster gets nipped by barry wicks at the lumber jack 100
57 the roadking wins the state TT championship
56 einstien fields a pile of guys and rides well
55 kolo-tc scares em in late october
54 cruise bogeys re-enters..only to go back into hiding soon there after
53 the black ace gets dirty..
52 A Beebee earns a spot on the dark side
51 Das Germen wins the Willow TT again..this time on a TT bike

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