Monday, December 02, 2013

One left and less than seven days out..and in the eye Gatto another one is in the books..chaos, stupidity, poor grammar and hatred..etc.. have seem to fill TMS for seven was only befitting that a points series should reflect its pathetic nature..So i feel the need to clarify how this stupid shit is tabulated and such. In a perfect world .... the best and fastest guys win right..eeh... that is partly true in most cases but not always now... most know TMS is not normal..things dont seem to roll in the direction they should...and Ts easy to hate....and it isnt always necessarily about the bike..fastest guys should always win..well..T said fuck dat shit...and took other aspects into consideration..

  • Speed
  • Style
  • Personality 
  • experience
  • dedication
  • being a human
  • uniqueness 
without disrespect or playing favorites...for an example
  • Jmak  might not be bumpin out big Drago numbers..but he is out there with heart n love..and listens to good music...
  • Burke may not have an outgoing personalty...but is probably the best all a with that he might get a small advantage over the ever stylish G-good who is like the Rocky figure of Tailwind cross
  •  Compare the Bunny and The German..the first is hard as nails and looks as if he is turning himself inside and dyeing a smoldering pile of goo..even though may often were the German  is just a flat out wattage machine with out alot of in your face out going  style....but he wins races and is piling on the travel miles to big races before he returns back to his homeland..
I know it aint right, dont make sense..but this place hasn't made sense in seven god dam years

 why should it now..

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