Sunday, December 28, 2014

the bag!

Ok   folks this may take some imagination on your part...but as hard as it is....try just alittle to imagine...

Say there is lord..not a lord in the way of an old guy with a grey beard and sore wrists..but another lord..same place of the after life...just a different line..say you get in the line as a cyclist, runner..any athlete..but for Tmsake lets say its cycling..your in the line waiting its long you may see some friends, rivals co-workers.. big stars..every day riders.....they may have pasted long before you..but the line is long..and waiting is a part of life..even the after life....eventual you get to the front...the lord is seated at a desk in softly lit office... and he asks you to sit down..relax...have a drink maybe a snack..its a calm soothing place..your favorite music is being played (that is if you have any) if not then your favorite TV show..whatever...he wants you to feel right at home....your drinking..your comfortable..your at home the lord is genuinely a real nice person...remember he wants you to be relaxed,,,,because he is going to ask you a question.....

end of part 1

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