Wednesday, January 07, 2015

51.. TimmyF gets mistaken for Dybo..and thats a good thing...

50. June..Hardman Swatloski outfoxes a whole bunch of fast mother fuckers to win the Mt Pleasant crit

49. August..Hardman Swatloski isnt wanted in the break at the Gaslight forced to leave

48.AlanZ is MIA most of the year......................................being normal sure beats racing

47. Ben Whitehead races in an old Bissell kit all season............................ is he or isnt he?

46..SuperDave comes home for a few days midsummer...................................... stinks up Waterford

45.Some dude from Chicago kills the B field spring series at AAVC

44. Stange is everywhere

43. Did anyone else care about the MBRA series?

42.DC just did another hot lap at ILRA..right this minute

41. 25,000 people were at Iceman this year. the total repair bill to fix all of the bikes after the slop was $100,000,000

40 Evilbay and Amazon cashed in big..

39. KIDA came back into town midsummer to Waterford attacked everyone until every motherfucer in the place was dead.......................................................told ya

38.Massey is still yelling at people and barking out non-pc comments at events he announces.

37, Blaine found crits and airport hangers dont mix

36, Motor Martin leaves late spring goes to Belgium pro like.

35.The Bunny filled a cup for USADA after the Lansing crit. It was full craziness..but no peds were discovered

34, through some act of genius the MBRA managed to double book race dates forcing riders to choose between Frozone and Shreks gig.

33.through some act of genius MBRA thought it would be a good idea to mock people how they win races...Nice

32. wonder what the Wiz is doing?

31. Chris Abston crashes his brains out late October

30.Parmachicken showed up a Waterford, took some strong pulls and then disappeared..

29. 2015 TMS cant count or spell...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love me some TMS. Keep this rad shit up!