Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Quality Time.......

Ill tell any fool that has the time to waste that i am probably as equally as cynical as i am optimistic about folks actions, thoughts and beliefs...We all have rules we live by..we lay em out adjust them and change to suit our certain feelings and attitudes..that's the beauty of being an individual in a place that lets us act so....One  my life rules is when i say i ain't gonna do something again..i don't do it...but as human as we are we make mistakes..and so i sinned against my rules...a day or so back..trying to recover after a night at the local cougars house that had me drinking way too many variations of booze into the early Sunday hour...It took three cups of over priced coffee to put my finger on it...Just like places or people in our real life we don't visit for certain reason T has places on this Internet he don't go.. for various reason..but i  sinned and maybe the pulsing headache made me do it...Nut i went creepin....I went there..Nothing had me shaking my leg and dragging my Jordan's under the table like the thread i got tangled up in..I wasn't gonna name the place but to hell with it...we the wool pulled over each others eyes enough as it...i hate contributing....

i has to believe most folks have been there..and I'm gonna give you my  asshole opinionated two cents...that god dam MMBA board what in gods name is up with those people?..are they all sniffing glue? who in the hell is out there selling out dated Testors to some of those folks..I happened to climb on the thread of the decline of Michigan racing scene..i know better than most we all know just enough to make us dangerous..but that dam thread had me questioning every aspect of my life..At first went as far telling myself never to bread tie a number on cobbled together ebay rig....but that was like cutting your nose off in spite of your face..I kept is simple... i don't know if i will ever be able to make eye contact with anyone wearing a visor at the local loop ever again.....like a dog chasing his tail...that whole dam board is strewn with a mulligan stew of people that should be making there bosses happy, satisfying there significant other and being there parent there children need or just flat riding there bike instead of posting senseless babble.......I know hate is already bubbling up like a cancer in any of the few folks that still are hanging on to this record setting shitty grammar post...but i don't care......its like..like  i had to get it out of my head to allow more constructive material to occupy its space...squeezing my skull...my meds aint workin.....if none of you have read it id truly suggest if you do set down for some quality time...get to the local liquor plaza and grab that bottle of grouchy negro before hand...

Im sweating..omg where in the hell is my can of  "Get Whipped"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brother, amen.