Thursday, February 12, 2015

There is so much rad shit going on here that if T did a list it all most probably wouldn't get it anyway.. no other eurofuck could get away with this style, everything from zebra print kits, human anatomy skinsuits..winning multiple tour stages..but never finishing a tour..... not giving a fuck..getting fined for wearing the "wrong clothing" and still giving absolute zero fucks. posing with half naked chicks in Northwave shoe ads and just being able to posses the ability to steal your wife from you right out from under your nose...

this dude wouldnt be caught dead having pillow fights with his teamies.....


Anonymous said...

T...agree on the pillow fight comment.....pretty embarassing stunt.

Re; Marios style and panache....definitely unique, but I gotta say allot of that was a product of winning and allot of his winning appears to be a function of cheating/doping.
Instead of admiring the douchebags who cheat to win, let's ID and call out the guys who had the backbone not to.

Anonymous said...

fuck you
they all are dirty.

Anonymous said...

Really,...every last one of them? And you know this how?

Anonymous said...

I think it was more a figure of speach. I'd take a jacked up Cipo or riddled out Jan over Sagan or whoever. Personality goes a long way. But do think a big pile of them are on some form of dope.

Anonymous said...

T - you are on point with this except one thing: the Northwave chicks were fully naked. My favorite Cipo quote of all time goes along these lines, and mind you this is right when he turned pro in the early 90's,"I sprinted exactly how I wanted to and the conditions were perfect. When that is the situation the man who can beat me has not been born."
Fucking stone called baller. Doped to the gills? Of course. T has had some clean pros up recently. Edwin Van Hoydinck(so?) was featured some time ago. It's well known he pulled the plug instead of succumbing to the needle.