Monday, May 04, 2015

Stagger Lee Billy

This aint no dirtbike thing, mountain bike free-ride.. free-love free-kitten free-sex free-beer rant..its not about fondo's or growlers...nope not about a flannel girl from the north country..Johnny Cash and June, April and her sister..uncle Toms cabins..doubling up well maybe about liquor meth,.. no solar cane..and hell sure is aint no rogaine...and for god sakes wash your dam hands...
yea..i know ol T is driftin his babble and smelly turd covered grammar could be at a new high in low... again...but i just cant keep somethings picking scabs and pulling insects of that dam monkeys back

 Fools should listen...or dont...Its just unconscious knowledge..more folks probably even myself would benefit now and again..from either shutting the fuct up..or taking a brick to the side of there head...ya know its like when to step up or step down...big numbers doesn't always constituent the call it brain fade...i know my butts big..and i aint got it all night but i know a thing or two about a thing or two...choppin wheels for outta the money spots, no chicks and no steps is just plain one says sit up ...........but killin fools for teens is silly...and on the other hand when the shit hits the fan in the final 200 and sitting in the top five is your M/O thats bike racing folks keep your head up for god dam sakes stop swinging your a man accept the may learn something in the process...

this world is too small when your strictly only an amateur doing hobby Esq burn bridges all the while acting like nothing other than a complete incompetent asshole...

passionately yours

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Preach it brother T.