Monday, July 06, 2015

The Low End Theory

I swear it just must be me and my old decrepit grey matter is hardening due to way too many reruns of the knees creak like there no tomorrow cause and effect i guess
 stumbling from the Davenport to the Frigidaire always on the hunt for that cold Frosty rootbear in that straight lined can...
I dunno at what point do we stop drinking the bright Red Kool-Aide..i aint in the market anytime soon for a new rig, I aint got the grip for sure..And i sure as hell aint got that homie hook-up on the best offer...i never understand that shit... fools.. looking for discounts free stuff, tires ..tubes, water bottles and bells...they are some of the worst product representative..the ones that dont ask receive..thats a rant in itself left solely for those two under 21 females on my favorite  local liquor loop...

Its like eatin cheese during the afterglow period..i just cant get the taste outta my mouth..i aint gonna name names we all kinda get who im driftin rantin about...every year its some new highly touted supercalifragilisticexpialidocious design thats gonna save 6 minutes off your next hot lap around that industrial parking lot local trail..all the while your TST, max wattage and KG by at least 12 %  .I myself by no means are shunning technology and all its glory of keeping the local Wednesday nite Birmingham worlds winner fueling our economy all the while massaging there highly tuned micro-brewed sculpted bodies..but come on...some of it i full get...but on the other what point do normal human being benefit from this space age technology?....i know to all the chagrins out there..just write it off as normal T dementia ...but mans gotta rant...and another thing if i did have the grip i would be scared as hell it used to be id have to worry if my Keds were legit now i have to worry if my new Aerodynamic Eco-System is fo real...

In the words of that Russian chick at the controls of that Death Machine two days back..
Ride On...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I follow whatever JTPs wife buys for him, then I know it's PRO.