Monday, September 28, 2015

Devils Plaything

Sorry im late mutherfuckers..but it was a long way back from hell...
What makes shit fuckin great...As much as i like to sit in a darkened room of solitude.where that wicked feeling of godless runs through my blackened soul...I still like cool shit..Im feeling like throwing out a little dirty black summer soon..and when i do its gonna be closely related to This whole Midstate cross thing...I dont mind the pain and I don't live in the past either but the scene needs to get on the same page..
I aint saying Im the One...but this whole MBRA series and fall cross is on the five finger crawl from where death had no name...

stick around and when she rides she's gonna bring power rankings with her...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

link text

Anonymous said...

"link text"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the scene

Anonymous said...

great show thanks for sharing!