create it,
pull it
twist it
tugg it
form it
pinch poke it
prod it and post it...
Im not as shallow as you think i am...the closest ive gotten to the sweat of million orgys lately is that first sip of Sanka at 5am....i haven't greased a pig in a long time but when the time is right i can Vaseline my feet with the best the scene has to offer...and drugs are not required...numbers 11-20 are little harder to define but still fun to speculate...
11. Matt Acker just missed the top 10 even with a win..seems like 2015 is the year of Gingers killin on cross bikes..
12. Osgood... despite any series of wins this year this guy even with his size throws a formidable shadow..ya know those big ol truck they race in Paris Dakar..thats this guy..
13. Brian Walcharz..disregard he is on that O2 gig.. he is not too shabby wins alot..but lacks a style that would of bumped him up to the 12 spot...
14. B-RAD..LAKO whatver his friends call him when he is out lookin good on the bike...if he looked any better he woulda been number 12 but winning bike races and battling the bulge is a tall task..he must have a good sense of humor or just flat doesn't give two shits about the hate banter...
15. Lil Simon...ill give this guy credit he got gutz..year after year he still is here, along with DC the Lil Pony Mark W and few others he is whats left of the old guard...
16. Colin Snyder..the guy that is trying to make statement over riding with flat bars falls into the number 15 slot..but if i had a cross bike i still wouldnt run flat bars
17. Todd Greene not to be confused with the other Green guy..
18. Gary Mudd...this dude is on the list just cuz of his fucking name...MUDD....
19.Dalton..and not that dude from Roadhouse..but if that dude from Roadhouse raced cross he woulda of taken the Bunnys spot...cuz that dude is plain and simple.... fuckin Badass...
20 Pete Thompson...gotta give ol Pete the nod..just for the travel miles...
I'd say B Rads had some help to battle the bulge.
Collin Snyder is a powerless turd.
I hear B Rads coming to Roadscene in 2016
look out mother-fuckers
It's all hard work for B Rad, he just wants it more than you!
10:16 AM
Well you know he thinks any rider older than him is trying relive there glory days.
Sounds like B Rad and Snyder have something in common.
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