Monday, January 11, 2016


100. Jan 1st 2016 and the MBRA still has not updated the points for the all for nothing series
99.Onam/Now apears with the worst looking lids known to man
98.Fartbikes everywhere and does anyone care..
97.Cold winter leaves alot of dudes crying fat
96.barry roubaix builds more steam
95 Tailwinds insults the weight challenged
94.The WIZ is scene at a fart bike race
93.More dudes hang em up
92.strava is the new hard on
91.hits are up and comments are down as TMS closes in on 10 yrs
90. the new MBRA champ is the guy to beat early on.
89. T blows half his ebay grip at the Hustler club in Late February
88. lots of post no sense
87. Bissell slims down....
86. Witte doesn't..
85. Kroske cuts back on racing with seatbags and flys toys instead
84. by mid May the excuses start flying
83. DC Nearly loses his nose to A sketchy Canadian at waterford
82. Tommy Clark keeps T in stitches
81. That Wakeley dude starts his killing spree early on in 2015
80.Zwift..not gonna say a word..
79.Gapping off never seemed to be a problem for many in 2015
78.some races continue for reason unknown only to the few that go..
77.joe lekovich...whatever happend to that guy..
76. The Lil pony shows up at island lake Xc and rides them into a school kids paste on A single Speed...


Anonymous said...

Joe Lekovish was awesome when he ran MBRA... Adrian Fear killed it.

Anonymous said... mock what you don't understand.

Anonymous said...

How come no mention of Ray Dybowski possibly doping? Is that because he is a contributer to this blog?

Anonymous said...

Dybo is a pig on dope, wouldn't surprise me.

Anonymous said...

Really Adrain killed it? Your blaming it all on her, one single person. Sure you dont have to agree with everything, but really one person.

Anonymous said...

What the fuck! Apparently more people need Zwift, maybe a little friendly competition would keep the stupid comments to a minimum. I don't understand why people need to start slinging mud instantly. Why not channel even a fraction of your stupid comments into something productive. Dybo does one thing really well, and that is keep rolling, plus he has a million miles in his legs and races a bizillion times a year, you can do that without dope and get his results. If Adrian is part of the problem she isn't the only issue. USAC is a mess, racers care more about being asshats to each other than helping the sport, and instead of Joe L running the show you have a bunch of officials calling themselves a committee and no one in a the buck stops here position to have to make the hard calls.

Anonymous said...

That just happened!
Do agree on the Dybo thing though.

Now the Adrian thing on the other hand she should stick to what she does best!

Anonymous said...

Lay on her back?

Anonymous said...
