Thursday, August 04, 2016

In a place with a shining face above a body that could send me to war

Man fools 10 yrs is a long time or short shoulda i say...lotsa shit has happened..hell i dunno even know where my blackberry is anymore..and shoot...I saw alotta folks come in go..rise from eager anonymity..shine on like a crazy diamond in a blink of an eye .watched  races evolve and only to wilt in the shadows of greater more meaningful things.....yep 10 years baby..cant believe T is still around as tired as this warn out ol mans brain gets....ill say this  still dont need no stinking help gettin lift of f tho..when the T is creepin empty .a string o pearls and lil cosplay will get T hard as couldnt scratch that shiet,,,,

anyhow...actions speak louder than words..hope to keep em going as long as the power of the gods allow..or not

mucho thanks...

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