Friday, September 30, 2016

1. 8-10 race max MBRA road race series
2.three legit TTS
3.At least two road races..........please
4.Push the Cone Azalia event back to legit spring later April 1
5.non conflicting promoters..
6.More Sunday races..give the bike shop guys a break
7. 1 lap MTB TT series..seriously two lap TTs are dumb 1.5 hours is NOT a quick effort
8.Keep the gravel shit for spring..lets not kill this scene as well by too many double events
9.consistent payouts at every race
10.more consistent classes..drop the 1 hrs had its time..want to race for 1 hr? race elite
11.combine classes with less than 5 your girlfriend is not a challenge
12.ask for advice from racers
13. support new events..Corktown etc..
14.promoters ..refrain from last minute calendar additions..give people a chance to plan they all have lives outside of bicycles
15.lets make michiganscene great again....


Anonymous said...

Best post in a long time!

Anonymous said...

Great ideas across the board. Let's just cal it "The Stormbringer" series to make it perfect.

Anonymous said...

Great suggestions. Pile all the gravel in the spring. Make it a gravel series. Winner gets a big slag of gravel.