I laugh soo dam loud to myself when the TT scene rears its head..not in the way negative rockers do towards the avg hackers,,but just because TTin is soo dam misleading...you can never tell whos gonna go good or just there for the pain...
That wheel..
not a fan of big gawdy stickers on disc wheels..do like the placement of that O2 sticker on that thick dogs BB
This dude is probably the quickest AARP card holder you will ever cross pass with..he aint going up hill fast unless theres a plate of Old pilgrim waiting at the top but give him a clock to race against and look the fuck out haters...
Suns out guns out...if you know this loser..tell him it aint cool to go USAC TTin in his wrestling uniform
remember her from last year?...for god fuckin sake you have invested all your grip in a dialed fit..a crazy TT rig..proper nutrition and perfect positioned eye wear..the latest in skid lids...the least you could do is leave the rain jacket at the start...you fuckin fail...
This man wins every time...he has life figured out and doesn't need to measure his dick up against any other man....
see ya next week
and remember to not take your low wattage ass too serous...
That rain caper also has a visor and two bottle cages. Total fail...
A lot of thick dudes in the scene, how many calories are being consumed in a day?
good thing its flat
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