Friday, July 14, 2017

1.The Black Ace makes a Miscene appearance proves he's still relevant
2.Wanley breaks a hoof
3.DK has vertigo
4.I love Danny K..but hate U2
5.BTR gives the scene somethin to do other than Gratten, Waterfords and KOMS
6.The Black Ace races three races at BTR why? only he knows
7.Johnny Utah graces the roadies and starts showing up to few skinny stuff
8.The Black Ace wads it up at BTR..
9.still gets top five
10. The Roadking comes out and wins masters 35..ONAM NOW kit doesn't fit him at all..
11 martin V breaks nearly every bone above his waist..
12.Stange doesn't look like Stange of days of yore..real life will do that to ya...
13.I miss Danny..Yankus that is..
14.Kroske is still flyin........................................... sorta...
15.The Black Ace wins throwin kisses and love to all the haters..except it was a lap early...


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