Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Lemmies House of Fuck you

oh please find it in your heart to ask for sense of humor this holiday season...
no one likes a stubborn snobby prick

Not a fan at ball
two tone paint schemes are not on my list of badass shit...

First thing that comes to my mind when i see this soulless piece of plastic..
how short the top tube is
second how gawd awfull this turd must ride..
third  the feeling of my grimy old man face hitting the pavement after those RevX wheels break without fuckin warning

Its amazing what a set of carbon wheels and a cool paint job for a simple steel bike...
nice plaid

Some people say my love cannot be true
Please believe me, my love, and I'll show you
I will give you those things you thought unreal
The sun, the moon, the stars all bear my seal

love me like a fuckin reptile

easy to use..
dam near fool proof
last forever..

its that time of the year again when all of you are spending hard earned grip or getting the pro-deal homie hookup with big promises on promotion for throw away clothing

not competitive on a normal bike?
no gravel/cross bike
dont own a phartbike?
Not fat enuf for the Clydesdale race
haven't figured out if your transgender yet...?
dick too small for the killer 100 death march

Hey metal-heads..
no worries
he's another option
spaces are limited but there will be a class for this at all Gravel grinders come spring..

lighten the fuck up
your not getting paid..
your not pro
never gonna be...
and no one remembers who won the umpteenth addition of the Spring fling thing
have some fun

words of wisdom
words of wisdom

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