Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Hey congrats...
you just posted some non cycling shit on Strava....
your now a turd


Anonymous said...

What if it was running, or kayaking, or hiking? Really any outdoor activity that involves movement is a legitimate use of Strava unless you're simple enough to believe the fitness world revolves around cycling. Now Strava your Crossfit and you can crossfuckoff.

Anonymous said...

i think Tubbs was pointing out yoga and weight workouts etc

Anonymous said...

6:41 AM

Matt said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Your a turd
troll less ride more

Matt said...

Sorry 2:15
Deleted due to my typo
I eat turds like you for breakfast
Let's ride, turds unite

Anonymous said...

Guilty, maybe I'll take that shit off... someday...