Friday, April 27, 2018

1.Barry Sets records
2.Rick Holds out on the payout at least for at least 62 milers for a few more days..
3.Every penny of interest counts...Nice
4.Fixing flats in the in the middle of the road
5.gravel racers love hills
6.even walking them...
7.If Burke was once considered the road-king Yankus is gotta be the gravel king
8.The Black-Ace picks Barry for his first Threshold hit of the year.....Nice
9.Old man good Time Johnny rides solid..
10 Gravel Gods 3T/QM miss the top 10...
11.Simonster is pretty good at riding 100 miles...
12.I miss Robert Herriman
13.Wonder what Danny is doing
14. Pyromanics get erection burning shit...
15.Everyone loves a good photo op..
16.The Jim Rose Circus on wheels
17.overheard a E-Bike Category for the riders wanting to do the long ones but cant.
18.Rick aint No Dummy
19.Proves Im doing it wrong
20.AAVC opens up to record numbers
21.Keeping track of points and handing out swag for the overall this year....Nice
22.BASE media owns that shit
23.leaves the funky wheels at home
24.Willow TT sees its lowest start ever
25.Being left off the MBRA series for something effected it?
26.Yankee Springs TT this weekend
27.longest running TT in the state
28.Elite start list looks tight
29.Pity its two  laps
30.The times they are changing.....


Anonymous said...

Yankee TT is two laps - around 1.5 hrs for fast folks. Why a pity? Isn't this about right for a MTB TT?

Anonymous said...

No, that's about right for a mtb XC race. TT's fall between short track and about 1 lap.

Anonymous said...

1:12 PM

Anonymous said...

90min is a heck of a long time to see red.

Anonymous said...

On any bike...let alone on a Mountain Bike solo

Anonymous said... the beginning of season to top it off. Ouch

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you feel that way. I was thinking you wanted there to be more laps. It's funny because it seems folks used to complain about the Maybury TT being too short. I guess it's tough to get exactly right, when you are somewhat constrained by the trail. By comparison, the state championship TT is usually 40K, which for fast folks is right around 1 hour, so I guess that's the time to shoot for when setting up these events.

Anonymous said...

by keeping these MTB TTs down to one lap, it always gives the local fast guys a good way to gauge themselves with out of town expert and elite guys via time.

Most people that frequent the local loops likes to just bust out a hot lap, not multiples.

Anonymous said...

Cum paired two toast to toast, WTF is 90 mins on a rock hopper?

Henrietta Collins said...

Not even close. No TT should ever exceed an hour for the winner. Ever. Think about the poor dudes who weren’t even breaking two hours. They just did a solo cross country race. That’s so fucked up.