BRX: what can you say ol Ricks pockets are fillin up faster than my neighbors tummy on a Friday night..sponsor keep rollin and flowin products aplenty..I like Rick..( i wonder if he would lend me some money) the race has gained classic like status in a fortnights time..UN-believable how this race has brought the scene together...No way can you compare to the IceCream race..but at some point dont die wondering...on second thought
Spring training; whether it B at AAVC, Waterford or is what is..a contest of who spent the most time on it.... in the off season...of season..yea right...Spring training is a sure way for some to get a jump on the season.. or a way 2 burn out before the real good stuff comes to the table. Careful how you handle it............. too many Skittles can make you shaky baby ...
Fisk Knob or Willow Tt: the first a classic no matter where in you hail from in the skinny scene movin it back lessened the chance for mother nature to take a crust poop on you...Willow..well turnouts aint as bad as the road surface..lets face it Wayne county is the pits..hope your counting is better than T's grammer cuz even the most number conscious scener like the RoadKing has screwed that one up at least once...
Queens Day ..crit a new on on the docket.....should be a good one..
Classic Cone a Az..its a crap shoot last year smooth BRX like..13..could be like riding on golfs balls depending how the Lunkies in Monroe County feel..WMSR...No TT bikes a parking lot crit and a road race..not a bad combo..If your climber don't expect to excel at the RR as the hill aint tuff enuf to weed out the thickies
if springflingin didnt kill ya this month might probably the most stacked month TMS has scene to date...WestBrach, great road race smooth in the front bumpy in da crit course a unused subdivision. The 2012 controversial Mount Pleasant, the sweet Cherry Ruby now home of the Masters Crit championship gets bummep up..., Lansing techie like crit home for the blind and dilapidated buildings..the new..Zeeland crit and Bissells own Brickyard crit..hell throw in Wednesday worlds and what seems like a conflicting State TT weekend....and we all can be like Dc racin every three days.. incredible planning..
has some good shit the state road race gets a new venue, the Hardest crit that closest to the scene gets bumped up a month..which is a perfect time for the Milford crit...which in TMS opinion the toughest one we this time Wednesday worlds rolls on..and your either going in two directions fast or drinking more
Hines TT..the Sneaky fast East GR..most go there to support the Leadout guys cuz there cool dudes..T likes what the water does to the locals..Hopefully by now you got The State crit championship moves into B-Ham..not a bad venue change...and its in a good time just prior to another installment of a Murder City weekend..UCI license required of course..
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