It wasnt to long back you couldn't spit in any direction without hittin someone in a dialed team kit, and matching rigs...The names that have come before us is quite interesting but like all things cyclical those things all must pass..
Trails Edge/MSG
Saturn of Toldeo
Cane Crick
West Coast riders
Saturn of Okemos
Maclain Rollers
Whole Foods....
The names roll on..but you know in this funky meaningless sports,and all involved put some weight into the value of the team, sometimes being fast just aint enough...sometimes we need to surround ourselves with others that carry the same passion for...whatever it is we seek...whether it be for the unity, the look, the ego boost, the pro-deal on bike parts, or the splitting up of the thick payouts folks just gal darn love a good team..
Cuz T has been around awhile and has the connections to pull from a pool of thoughtful and well rounded folks, lets take a peek at what in hells going in around your world...
The Crew at TMS put together a neat little ranking system
- size of team and power weight
- strength or depth of team
- appearance
- personalty
- frequency
these will be based on a five star rating, 5 being the best...
the teams will be listed in the next post..
speak to ya soon
Love Ya
the teams will be listed in the next post..
speak to ya soon
Love Ya
Team Columbus from the early 1990's. Not based in the Scene, but dominated
The old Alpine team always looked dope. GS Blauwkamp was another good one.
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