Friday, June 22, 2018

1.Junge and Wanley ride like pure badasses in Zeeland friday night...
give em both 5 extra cool points

2. Nate Williams misses a national masters title by mere hairs
give him 10 extra cool points..cuz hes a badass anyway...

3.Any east side scener that skipped Zeeland
take away 8 cool points

4.wearing any cycling eyewear in street attire
lose 13 cool points

5,The Grayling Giant, Catlin, Vanias SIMONSTER Yankus.
give em all 12 extra cool points

6.The Black Ace gets nipped at the line to get second at masters nationals
give him 6 cool points

7.Two of the oldest guys in the the scene the Highlander and The Evil-Dude top ten the Zeeland crit
give them both 8 extra cool points

8.ScottyQ  rides like an old school badass at LumberJack
give him 5 cool points

9.That Nolan Vanderlagmorlin kid rode like next level shit last Friday night
give him 10 extra cool points

10. Kevin Collins kit...
15 extra cool

11.Doing Michigan Mountain Mayhem on a Tribike
lose all your cool points....Nerd

12.That Blond in turn two at Zeeland
15 cool points to her..WOA!

13.Shamburgers mullet
give him 9 extra cool points

14.Erika and Martin tie the knot
give em both 20 extra cool points for good luck

15.the scene loses one the best guys around..
everyone in the scene take away 25 cool points right now...

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