Friday, August 24, 2018

1.J Dore wins the 2015 Cone Azalia race against the future of Gravel racing
2.Dam Yankus just misses a Barry Roubiax win 2018
4.Big B wins his first State Crit championship on a hot night in Lansing
5.Scotty Hoffener beats some kid at the Westbranch road race 2013
6.The Highlander rides away from a Stacked field in the Black Aces death crit 2013
7.Scotty A wins a pile of cross races fall of 2017
8.Burke wins the State Time Trail Championship 2011
9.Kroske destroys the Buckeye state summer of 2016
10.Lil Pony gets a swing in on Saari in fall of 2010
11.Wanely Takes down a solid field at the un Labor day race 2016
12.Shamburger wins the Road race at the White lake Stage race
14.DC wins Phart bike nationals
15.Jason Young leathers them at Zeeland in 2016

We all have had Badass Rides......

feel free to insert yours any way you see fuckin fit...


Anonymous said...

Two Things.

1. Big B winning state in 2015 was probably one of the sickest races ever.
2. Jason Young only won Zeeland in 2016 because he begged Big B and Alex T for it
3. Jason Young has still not paid out the winners for Race for Wishes this year...


2. Jason Young only won Zeeland in 2016 because he begged Big B and Alex T for it
3. Jason Young has still not paid out the winners for Race for Wishes this year...

11:24 AM Delete


Anonymous said...

road races are dead in Michigan

unless its a Fondo or a disease ride
the only ones that care are about 4%

they are a losing gamble for most promoters

Anonymous said...


No option to delete... sorry!
Enough people talk shit on this disaster of a site, it will be fine. Life will go on.

Agree with 11:57 AM but promoters should not advertise cash prizes if they can't pony up. Cash is what attracts registrations in the first place.

The real hero here is Jim Klapthor. Dude tries to throw some of the dopest, most pro road events in Michigan but nobody shows up. Shame on YOU.

Anonymous said...

i think the tms delete was a cut n paste

The real hero here is Jim Klapthor. Dude tries to throw some of the dopest, most pro road events in Michigan but nobody shows up. Shame on YOU.


Anonymous said...

Saari shoulda beat the lil ponies asssss!

Anonymous said...

11:24 am

1-800-Call Sam

Henrietta Collins said...

He’d finish second doing that too...