Thursday, December 20, 2018

Mano Man my jeans have been bustin at the seems swollen motivation to make something great again...
just the shear fact i cant sleep at night has me sweatin....good golly if all things align and the stars are correct..hopefully with alittle help from our friends..we might just make 2019 great again..I have soo much to punch out but holdin back is hard..slow and low is gonna be my 2019 tempo...hell i cant wiat to drop my Friday 15..


ya know when you look at the results from the USAC cross nats first impression might be we got skunked..

but there is no way you can judge the level of hard unless at some point in your career you have experienced this..the interesting thing about these results is the guys that have traveled outside the scene occasionally  through the autumn placed the best..

Im not gonna let the cat outta the bag for my next rant but rest assured it weeelll be good
congrats to all those that repped the scne...
if i missed sorry but i aint gettin paid to do this..

Mens 17-8
Morton 1st

Coffey 39

Mens 35-39
Ryan Rinn 22

Mens 44-49
Burke 10th

Mens 45-49
Todd Greene 51
Jason Cotter 84

Mens 50-54
The Pony 16th
Harrville 27th
Goocher 58th

Mens 55-59
Card 7th
Belanger 37th
Gietzan 43

Junge 16th

Womens 30-34
Valerie HYRMAN 5th

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