Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Road Scene preview coming soon...


Anonymous said...

i see nothing on the calendar about Gaslight?

Anonymous said...

State Championship road race.


Anonymous said...

looks like a pretty weird schedule.

Anonymous said...

A State Championship road race ....in fondo format??
Kind of misses the fundamental point of race dynamics with mixed fields.
Can't make this stuff up. smh

Anonymous said...

Won't a mass start only effect sandbagging Cat 3's?

Anonymous said...

1:46 PM

just another nail in the coffin

Anonymous said...

No, mass starts don’t only affect sandbagging cat 3’s.
If you need a detailed explanation...oh never mind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the BaseMedia guys love this idea, they can't stop loving this idea. Any idea who the MBRA pres rides for? It's fine to be obvious, just don't be SO obvious.

Anonymous said...

5:13 PM
4:23 PM

couldn't of said it better myself.

Chris Donnelly said...

We welcome all your input to help plan and execute racing in Michigan. We listen, we race and we understand your concerns. We encourage everyone to host and promote a race in Michigan,it’s one to all, no experience required. If you do not have the time, MBRA has sponsorship opportunities available to help support and grow racing in Michigan.
I recall a re-post of a Peter Hitzeman article here that accurately covered (read Reality #5 twice) the state of cycling in the US. It does take effort at the grass roots level by those involved in the sport to make it great again, because nobody else cares. The 2019 race is our attempt to put the USAC races where many of the eyeballs are today, at mass start events. To insinuate that this was organized for personal team benefit is an insult to everyone who works very hard to make racing available to you. When you are ready to step forward and take action, please reach out to me. We need the help of people who care about the sport, who have new ideas to attract racers and truly care more about the sport itself than being beat by a cat 4 in mass start event.

Anonymous said...

thank you for the comment.

Anonymous said...

Chris works his ass off and speaks the truth. And does it really matter where they hold the road race, and the format that it is in. The Base Media dudes are gonna put the beat down on everyone regardless. They just have the strongest riders.

Anonymous said...

And I heard they have thic dongs!

Anonymous said...

Did Bissel fold? Does Williams second kid signal the end? Will there finally be enough BM riders to just mob the already smaller team?

2018 Races
Gaslight - Bissel over BM
Corktown - Bissel over BM
Detroit - Bissel over BM
Zealand - Bissel over BM
R4W - Bissel over BM
BTR - Bissel over BM

2018 Gran Fondos
MSU - Bissel over BM
Cherry Roubaix - Bissel over BM

Anonymous said...

I like turtles.

Turtles over Bissel.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn’t give Chris Donnelly and the Base Media “thic dongs” that much credit. We all clearly know who is lurking in the shadows of Michigan racing and driving the transition to fondos. Isn’t it obvious? He gets elected in 2016 and literally two years later, poof, Michigan racing implodes. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

2018 MSU Fondo Results


2018 Cat 1 Crit State Championship Results


The rest you are correct about - Bissell is a very strong team. Hope they show up to the race!

Anonymous said...

U23 TT Nats
Elite RR Nats
Elite Crit Nats
MI crit champs
Waterfor series
MI Gravel series
MI Road series
White lake stage race

Palameres are fun and all, but let’s try to stay on topic?

Anonymous said...

I agree the Chris is trying whatever means he can to square up something for the road scene, but in all actuality road, cycling is staggering everywhere. This is just another version of a cripple. I honestly do not think to keep putting on stage races and other events that draw less than 10 riders per field is really going to save it.

I got a feeling it may be grey for a while, ride your bike and find what works.

On the whole team thing:
You can no way compare the Base Media kids to the Bissell crew.
Bissell when locked and loaded its lights out.

anon asshole said...

2019 pre-prediction

The schedule is what it is.

Base Media will eat itself. racing each other will get old

Scotty will have a hard time stepping his game up on the CX national circuit
CX is gross here. and getting your head kicked in week after week is hard

Weekday racing will continue to outnumber the weekend stuff

The scene will be a better place once Rick W moves

The gravel scene is at a peak and will no longer grow

3t team is over

The Velodrome will continue mane

Old Guys are going to continue to get older and slower

My opinion

Scotty Albaugh said...

anon asshole:

Scotty will have a hard time stepping his game up on the CX national circuit
CX is gross here. and getting your head kicked in week after week is hard

My ego can take the righteous headkicking, it's the driving, the cost and doing it all after work that's the hard part! Plus it doesn't help that CX isn't super awesome here.

Anonymous said...

6:58 agreed.

Basehead if you use a pretentious word like palmares spell it right and did you really count the two for nothing series

The velodrome will continue to entertain

If you want to be a super team at all costs admit you have to cut corners on personality. Why else would someone drive across the state to weekday race?

Chris the comment about getting beat by 4's is dickish to everyone involved in that statement, congrats on staying professional and above the fray.

Scotty Albaugh said...

Also major shout out and thank you to Chris Donnelly for donating his time to make road racing exist in Michigan. Having an outlet for my competitive urges on the roads is good enough for me, regardless of the format.

(not anonymous)

Anonymous said...

This is dumb. Stop comparing everything. Both teams are very strong but more importantly they both have a ton of fun doing what they love. If you have ever witnessed a race at that level... both teams are also very friendly with each other. Just dudes riding bikes. Stop trying to make it something more than that. Isn't that what it is all about? Just ride your bike and have fun.

Chris Donnelly along with other members of the MBRA are just trying to do their best to provide fun racing here in Michigan (aren't they unpaid volunteers???) So cut them some slack and instead of saying negative things, maybe volunteer your time to help.

Everyone needs to stop being so negative about everything. It is really creating a terrible culture in the world and as we all know, life is too short. TMS is a great place but it is also one of the worse places on the planet because of negative people.

Make TMS great again or get rid of it altogether. So sick of reading this shit on the regular. Go ride your damn bike.


8:46 AM

not anonymous)

8:28 AM

The schedule is an Eb n Flo thing year after year. If TMS can get up the gumption we will do a Road Race preview like we intended to do.

Hugh Mungus said...

*here comes the soapbox*

Since everyone is asking for it, my 2 cents....

In a sport that thrives on a sense of community, it seems the "scene" here in Michigan is growing exceedingly negative. All the complaining and whining about lack of races and payouts and field sizes and blah blah blah....its old, its tired, its frankly uninspired. To those vocal few, what are you doing to better the sport? Are you volunteering? Are you putting on a local ride or race? Are you promoting the sport to up and coming riders?

Likely not. What i see/hear is a group suffering from self-absorbedness, self-entitlement, and a grossly inflated sense of ability. The sport that you claim to love owes you nothing. You owe the sport. If you want to continue participating in the sport you love, be an advocate for it rather than siphoning off its tit until there is nothing left and then complain about the few options that are actually made available. The lack of thankfulness and self-awareness is dumbfounding. I think a dose of reality and a little self reflection is greatly needed. Take a look in the mirror. None of us are actually that good at cycling. At least by the standards that most of those that race aspire to. This symptom is multi faceted but frankly I think it stems from the "big fish small pond" syndrome. Leave Michigan and see how our best riders fare....its nothing to write home about. Except for the exceptional few, 99.9% of us are just going to be OK, and that's OK. Even those that are leaps and bounds above the rest end up being pack fill and who cares? None of us are making a living doing this so stop pretending. And then there are the riders from Michigan that no one has ever heard of and if they were to come to town, they'd likely crush just about all the weekend warriors complaining here. If you find time, check out Leadville top 10 in 2016. Doubtful anyone knows the guy and doubtful anyone would see his wheel longer than a few minutes. Im also doubtful that he is out riding and shitting on his local scene and complaining about payouts, etc.

I could go on and on but you get it, the long and short of it... pull your head out of the sand, stop looking in the mirror/strava and start looking around for how you can contribute. Have a heart to heart with yourself and come to terms with the fact that you are mediocre and there is nothing wrong with that. There is nothing wrong with having goals and training but try to pry away maybe 5% of your training time and volunteer at a local race or even better, grab some buddies and set up a new ride/race that everyone can enjoy. I love this sport and I love the people i ride with. I even love those that are complaining because you clearly have passion about the scene. Just try using that energy constructively because otherwise you just sound ungrateful. Be thankful that you have the freedom to ride your bike and complain about all this stuff because frankly this all means nothing at the end of the day.

With all that said, I love you all

Oh, and the Wolverines have the thickest dongs of all.

Hugh Mungus said...

8:46, its like we wrote this at the same time. PREACH!

Glad to see someone who can see beyond their own shadow.

MAKE TMS GREAT AGAIN! (hats coming)


10:25 AM

perfect. end of convo

Anonymous said...

@TMS, how about this, instead of tanking the whole shebang, make posting only allowed by registered users, i.e. enough anonymous posting and trolling. This is why the internet sucks and allows people to make spineless comments. If you feel so strongly about your opinion, stand behind it, like Scotty. I don't even know the guy but kudos to him. Enough arguing. I haven't been on this site in years and it seems not much has changed. Lets fix that...

Jason Mulawa

Anonymous said...

good idea?