Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The State of The State

what about..Barry Roubaix
what about..The Belgian Waffle Ride
what about..My Junior mints
what about..My stocks
what about..Uncle Joe
what Instagram account
what about..medication
what about..Wednesday night worlds
what family
what about..Kiss the final tour..............yea right
what about..My climb to the top of the world
what about..My same labor day pilgrimage to  Iowa for the same old Snake Alley
what about..My new  race wheels
what about..goals
what plan

what climb to stardom
what Olympic dream
what KOMs

what about..The Corktown crit n gravel

what big break
what about..
what about........................................................................

So many whats abouts that has T feeling like he been drinkin too much grouchy Negro

Ya  know folks..alotta things stink in this world...\
Some matter and some dont...

T could run that list long old school style and have even the most TMS hatin fool twist a grin and not think about himself for a short 3 minutes..

I had this great post runnin through my head...runnin through and that realm of nearly sleeping..nearly awake mode..but the pillow, and warm body next to T put him back into deep twilight...

Its been a funky kinda a thing lately..lots of uncertainty..T got a chance to talk to a slew of different humans from all different walks of like and different phase of life the past seven days..all of them taught T a thing er Two about a thing er Two...

I aint too worried about the no-racin thing..wasnt that super awesome any way..and neither should you..if you truly love what you do..
But if you are one those humans..thats sittin on the sorry..

Might be the time to ask yourself...the question...

(more on that later)

I hope i am wrong on this next one...

i got a feelin shit a coming back anytime soon...
T is as optimistic as the next guy..but we are living history right..lots of uncertainty..

when folks are more worried about what the next there gonna use to wipe there asses with..

T says either get a grip America and eat better..


So what if it dont come back?...not for awhile...

You gonna stop?

You gonna keep riding inside a video  game?

You gonna keep swipin left and swipin right?

You gonna keep likin?

Folks ridin there bikes for competition is soo low on the pole of lets get back to normal livin..

Its a good time to not be trying to make a living off being a bike racer huh?

Abd a good time all folks you and me to kinda re-boot and a grip on whats really important.



Image result for robert de niro gif


what about..My vacation
what about..My

What if...

See fools thought you were gonna get outta here with just the dry heaves imposed by the lousy grammar this old dirty bastard is single finger punchin out...

What if it all just levels out...maybe not just by June..
Maybe by mid-summer..

gonna sure make that fall stuff seem pretty stacked right on top of  each other..NOT good for the weaken cross scene to be going up against all the fun lovin gravel adventures..

Not quite sure how T feels about that..but it all comes down to money..and money be right cuz if your like most folks who almost cant resist a race to be wise to save of up all the stimulus grip thats comin your way cuz racin every weekend and cheap...

I dunno whatta i know...

OH..since this turned into another one of those silly ass  T rambles...

Lets talk about like likes...noo im not talkin about likin Ice Cream..
likin Puppies..

and likin that thing your significant other does with there fingers...

or better yet likin your friends normal every day activity's..or rides..etc...

im goin like shit that has little zero impact on your life only to make someones else enough grip to get that thing on there Amazon wish list they couldn't get with the measly grip there trying to make on the ONLY fans page ...

Those Instagram gals..dudes..or whatver ..But more Im done liken Chix pics..
Yea thats right T has an account..and like most dudes and bros's he follows a slew of over blown entrepreneurs of the flesh and curves, and what not..

I got no problem with a gal trying to make a livin..but all be gawd dam anymore are they gonna get rich of the simple blip of my fingers in a lonley tissue filled lap of solitude..

dont believe T..if you dont wanna feel really pathetic...then dont check your screen time..

why not look..are we soo addicted to something we gotta like it all the time....
sorry get a job out with a charity..bring grocery's to some one in need or work at a crisis center

Im not trying to be a bummer her folks..but its for my own health too
from Here till ever..its goin like this.....

 done...over  it...

Not going all God like on you..
But maybe somewhere

Someone or some other world is trying to get a point across

“The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.”
Brooks. ... and warm deep real thoughts from the heart of T

So why did you start ridin bikes in the first place?


Anonymous said...

The Truth!

Anonymous said...

Amen TMS!