Sunday, July 26, 2020

Be Cool

Hey Nerds...whatta ya know i got bored so i thought AYyyyyyy what the stop by the offices of TMS on this hot July night and see whats cookin...
Much to the Fonzes was almost stone silent..
cept for a few lights left on a random vinyl record skipping the Doors "the Love Me Two two times.."

there was nuthin..
So i hung out for a few

fingered through some random images and  thought id fill the empty space between Sunday nite and the The Way We Where...

The Fine art of color placement...
makes this rig cool..
and the Fonz luvs cool rigs 

Holy Jerry lee Lewis shakin all over this gall is thin..

Rumor has it..Yeti is dropping the tribe from its shtick
The whole world is erasing itself..
This is when Yetis were cool..
Im gonna have to a long ride on my motorbike to decide if Yetis are true 

Kids are cool
if you dont have kids you dont understand..
Kids are direct reflection you..
Kids on bikes are waaaay cool..

The Fonz misses this gal
SJD the OG original TMS super-mod
KIDA aint to shabby either 

You might be a metal fan..or you may not
you may never never listen to SLAYER 
even understand the importance of Black Sabbaths first four albums..
but dam the world..
the word metal is cool...

tell someone you love there cool...

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