Tuesday, July 07, 2020

You might be a Strava Turd

Dear Strava follower...

       It’s been often said..it’s a great big world out..many places to see, things to do and people to meet..but in all actuality it can be a quite overwhelming to put so much pressure on ones self and to try and keep up with next person..
Under the belief of I Jeff Foxworthy, that is if you feel compelled to join every single club that pops on your Strava feed,

you my friend this week fall into the category of a Strava Turd...

      Please dearest friend don’t take offense to this as this is not another personal attack on your Personal self, rather a chance to spread a quick light on the need to over achieve,
  life is short and could quite sadly could end one quick red light running segment some sunny afternoon ..some of the best things are the most streamlined and simplest..

    Your friend


Scotty Albaugh said...

Next week you need to address the people that make strava segments that end in the middle of an intersection... AND the people who go for them!

