Tuesday, July 14, 2020

You might be a Strava Turd

Are you that bored..?
Are you that self competitive?
Are you that self absorbed?
Are you the type individual that does same thing over and over again

Do you not have any other friends?
Do you not have another loop to ride?
Do you not know there are other challenges to be had are.....?
Do you not have the brain capacity to seek out new challenges.......?

If you answered yes to more than four of the above questions, you may possible be a Strava a turd..

Because if your sole Strava cycling existence is randomly KOMn the segments you currently own

Jeff is congratulating you as being this weeks Strava turd..

Oh local semi legendary Strava god....Give someone else that sweet taste of glory...let the local hot-shoe...that one guy new to the beautiful world of Strava have there day in the sunshine before you come out locked and loaded with 50mm carbon hoops and the genetic gift of 395 watts at threshold and deep throat your own erection....

There will be plenty of time and many more segments for you to crush in the upcoming time of this pandamonuim

Keep smiling

Because your never gonna be pro, and riding a bike will never get you that sweet blow job you crave from being a Strava Star...

Jeff Foxworthy


Anonymous said...

$75 for a virtual race...get real grit & gravel you suck!!

Anonymous said...

@6:31 you don't want to pay 75 bucks plus service fees to ride a dirt road alone? The price was fucking crazy when we could actually be with others. Now it's just nuts.