Friday, August 14, 2020

  1. Barrys cancelled
  2. ICEMANS next
  3. Hope for a 2020 TMS bike season dwindles for some
  4. Chicago says no to cross
  5. Iowa says perhaps
  6.  Motivation for many weakens
  7. Rumors circulate of a new Michigan based racing organization to be started for 2021
  8. Summers nearly gone
  9. WaterMoo happened..sorta
  10. Winniewannalaya is scheduled for September 6th 
  11. Wout gives rim brake holdouts a new hope
  12. Special K makes 50 look like 30
  13. Gratten continues
  14. That Junge kid marks off a few more states in his COVID Tour of America
  15. TMS big 100 will probably be puny 45 come December 

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