Wednesday, August 19, 2020

State of The State


Boy oh boy....not much has changed in a month huh?....ol wishful thinking had most everyone believe that stuff would of straightened themselves out by July...but a close friend to T knew otherwise...

Oh sure you can dine on a patio..float on a raft in a lazy river with a few other blown lunkheads..ride your quad, or explore the north woods side by side..

pure Michigan has all of us slightly believing the China virus is a Maga  fuel of smoke and mirrors..just listen to your know it all relatives on social media they will set you straight with the facts..

Man o man Ts needs a nice thick slice of that famous Mackinac fudge..

On the home front all seems like a tad out of true..but its not all masks and gloom...Nick and the AAVC crew have kept folks entertained with alittle fun........ Watermoo went off..despite no Tinker..The Winniewannalay-ya is still on tap...Not sure whats up with the Alma GQ..and the call up thing..but im down with it....might need to read up on dat..

Heavy and your neighbor knows and that dick-head down at the liquor mart heard..Barry got axed..its ok..and rumors are circulating like a turd that wont flush..ICEMAN is next..T hopes folks aint so dam bankrupt in life dat this means you will stop riding..soo much cool shit out there that doesn't require your dollars and time to wait in line to piddle..

Hey ya heard....... That Junge kid got 3rd...? and his teammate tied for the overall at some ominuim ran down south..See..racin still happening..we even heard the Black-Ace will drive anywhere to pin a number on..and KIDA is living a dream thats makin T green with envy exploring the old west..DyBo continues pay to homage to Robert Herriman and rolls hundreds like my neighbor rolls f-bombs... in a world we’re we need more Joberon....Joberon needs a new helmet..but not like that Junge kids Abus game offense young Jedi...ugh that lid is gawd awful..hope he got swagged that..Up North the Giant continues to lurk like a 400 watt at Threshold Sasquatch 

they say..i dunno who they is..but they sayin cross is dunno..but there is a KISScross schedule out..for now at least...

But most of you are not soo motivated to gain travel miles..earn rewards..swing swords and  make the leap to the next level, and have kept close to home..and aint nothin wrong with that..enjoy what you do..cuz we all beat to a different drummer..someday maybe all this silliness will pass

Its not the old scene like you remember and T and gonna say he gonna be here next month checkin in on ya..

Love peace and harmony 



Anonymous said...

How about Albas silent KOM campaign? Looks like he's having fun.


10:57 AM