Saturday, August 01, 2020

Who Rides a Clem?

Name: Rachel F.

Job: Server

Years Riding: 9 years-ish

How you got started (riding): A certain someone I know named Will got me interested and set up my first bike as an adult (a vintage Gitane).

Typical Ride: To and from the park, grocery store or work. point A to point B type stuff

Dream Ride: A straight shot to the beach that’s downhill both ways and also it’s 75 degrees out :)

Riding Goal: I’d like to have more stamina and just ride more in general. these hills kill me!

Why this bike: I wanted something with bigger tires that would also be good in the city.

fav. book: In Cold Blood by Truman Capote

fav. movie: Wild at Heart

fav. food: Any and all noodles

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