Tuesday, August 11, 2020

 If your a field sprinter...............

you might get this..

you might not..we dont fuckin care

its meters away..your brain is on kill and your eyes are on the line..

you've been racing all day..your tired..

the finale is like being stuck in a vacuum  

your legs are quite possibly fading 

and you know there is someone coming...

shit happens..and you make the wrong  choice..

these guys are sharks...and sharks do what sharks do...

and humans are humans

we arent saying what happened was right..

but if you have ever considered yourself a field sprinter your probably lying if you said you never took someone to the curb..

checked them in the tape or ran an up on to the  grass..

Bout time the Race organizers create some type of crumple zones instead of immovable posts..because this type of shit will not end..

hate me...

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