Friday, October 23, 2020

  1. KFC not as good i remember
  2. Doritos taco..un-eatable while driving
  3. The Grayling Giant canoed to a cross race..then later shot a buck from a tree in which he chopped down later for fire wood...all in one afternoon.
  4. Motorhead and Slayer..two band names that sometimes sound better to say thean there music is to listen to..
  5. AC/DC and Van-Halen to merge for a 2021 show
  6. what the end of the world looks like............see above..
  7. There was a Gravel race last week end..Base-Media seems like the only ones that care
  8. Big M this weekend...
  9. Wonder what the Wiz is doing..
  10. That Kreger kid must have some thick grip..
  11. You do not put a poodle in the microwave!"
  12. Base Media picks up Simonster...
  13. people will say “milfs ❤️” and then say “i fucking hate kids.” well, then milfs hate YOU!!!
  14. Corrosion of Conformity - On The Hunt [Skynyrd cover]
  15. Shut up man...........


Anonymous said...

Base Media picks up Simonster...

Anonymous said...

Base Media is becoming a boring clique, circle jerk.

Anonymous said...

1:18 PM
yes sir