Friday, October 30, 2020

  1. Those Hollywood showers
  2. The most unassuming Metal head ever 
  3. Ran over an elderly woman, and quite possibly killed her
  4. Gave up 3 months of his life inhaling automobile fumes motor pacing for 100 miles 
  5. Nearly died at the Mike Cool memorial race
  6. Been known to eat the Chief Boyardee ravioli food service size cold out of a can... 
  7. Backed over the The Black-Aces carbon wheel in Quebec 
  8. Climbed inside a Ice cooler on one hot steamy ride
  9. That thing he does to warm kicking his leg...etc
  10. Those self massaging moments after a long ride
  11. Has weak a bladder
  12. Crashed by himself at the Hines park State Time trial...
  13. In the mud....
  14. Roadied for the Rollins band..
  15. Ate 25 Krystal burgers in one sitting..
  16. And later 17 Kryspy cremes 
  17. Gave a up a win  at Cedar Creek RR just to stop and pee.....see weak bladder!!!
  18. Still has yet to push Tyler Hamilton off his bike
  19. His bachelor party nearly broke the Pony, and the Evil-Dude
  20. The first have custom Michelin Dugast...
  21. Can’t ride no handed
  22. After partied with Jewel
  23. Drank a gallon of pickle juice the night before an 8 hour endurance mountain bike race
  24. Spent 45 minutes the morning before the race camped out  in a porta-John..
  25. Leadville buckle winner
  26. Nearly died getting it
  27. Ran two ass Holes  off into a ditch on the way to a CX race for some hair brain shoulder move
  28. Carries three coolers in his car at all times
  29. Was a fat guy getting lapped at CX races one year...
  30. Next year got skinny..started winning
  31. Likes dogs
  32. Forgoes the burger and onion rings the night before the Six gap century..orders rattlesnake pasta instead
  33. Spends the wrest of the evening camped out on the toilet
  34. Sent an over weight dog to the urgent care after hitting it bombing a decent at 30 mph
  35. Has a bike with 7k paint job
  36. Will never ever use Specialzed branded products ever again..
  37.  Has scene more concerts than the Joe Louis arena 
  38. Had his own podcast about metal
  39. Has a thing for chicks with big noses
  40. His CD collection is unrivaled 
  41. Ran Mektronic
  42. Once ordered 15 dollars worth of Taco Bell grub
  43. " 1998
  44. Played Hockey almost as good as he rode
  45. Carries enough food and water on any ride to feed a fourth grade class for a week...
  46. Carried a 50$ bill on a ride once
  47. lost it bombing a decent
  48. Has the cleanest bikes ever
  49. Keeps his insurance company happy every year..
  50. never known to half wheel...
  51. etc...

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