Is it true?
They say....... money can buy just about anything?
Because this is TMS and has always been yo go to for pinioned poorly written junk, T thought what the shit why the hell not been awhile since he put his old grey matter to the test..
There has been a long goin debate around the T circle bout money..
yea go figure right? ..the root of all evil. Buys things, be used to end lives, and pretty much is the main reason most Americans at least get up everyday...But a loyal Scener brought the light out of the dark..and was quickly to state..
T: Money is not a factor in the success of an athlete ..and to be fair in certain disciples..
but lets use cycling as an example.
Well now he's the short version..
T: You ever see a pro cyclist make it from Trenton Michigan?
They say..:/
T: But lets not be a turd on this one..and go a tad deeper in it..
They Say: But wait! Wait just a dam minute T!
T: Ok Im listening the driving force to anything. Sports, education, marriage..yo job
T: fair enough..
They Say: Dedication...dont forget that
T: Yes sir..dedication..that along with i may be so bold to add...discipline is just some more of that good old DNA of a cycling athlete.
Ill speed things up for ya, toss in some gold hard to get geneticist.
They Say: it helps...
T: combine all those factors together and you got a sure thing right?
They say: well not exactly
T: oh I forgot you left out luck and of course the injury factor
They say: insert (shaking there head )
T: Add this all up and then insert a moderately well to do family, income level well into the six figures. Now this athlete has not only the tools he/she needs to excel they have the access to finest equipment, and training aides, power-meters carbon wheels, and aero shit cost money right? I dont see the LBS handing out shit out like loli pops..oh lets not overlook the need of a possible coach and or mentor.. local races and or weeknight worlds are never a problem if Mom and Dad are busy as this athlete has his own dependable car they also now have to ability to get out of there neighborhood to compete against other athletes. Lets face it haters, its been proven time and time again. You don't get tough beating up on the same kids. You can debate me all day long on this one..

Now with the ability to travel more, they are probably getting better, and catching the eye of potential better teams and or sponsors. Remember barring an injury and that is if the passion is still there, and they are training the "right way"! Yes sir
T: But now lets take a kid from a lower income level, say single parent lower middle class, not completely poor, but you know the kind of family most of you do not ever even give a thought about.

The single parent is working a solid job, collecting child support etc. There aspiring athlete is riding as much as he or she can, maybe playing high school sports, and is getting good grades. And they get a chance to hit up most of the local stuff when mom or dads job allows.. then there is the issue of transportation and entry fees. There are other factors at home probably just like the kid with the grip, dysfunctional humans are at every income level. This young athlete has passion, and is driven. But is lacking something, maybe guidance from a mentor. Oh and his equipment? yea he's not rolling to the line on 404s and The latest Aero-bike and sunnys costing more than the grocery's his Mom is trying to feed the fam with. No hes on an older bike nice but older, he had a nice set of Chinese carbon wheels, but a crash at local group destroyed them. maybe some shop discounts are coming in and possibly a jersey and shorts hook up.. But Hey he's there right? Yep after maybe getting as much riding as he can and doing all the training races he can because that is really all there is in his area..he's going against the same kid who just got back from a four day stint in Iowatucky or The Cincy 3 day UCI cross festival on Mom and Dad platinum card, but its Friday night in Zeeland, or Saturday at Alma.
hmmm..just a slight disadvantage. But he's, got heart an he's been dedicated, oh ooops he could not make that crit tonight. His Mom/Dad had to work over to pay for an unexpected car repair bill...maybe next month when there is another local race. All the while the trust fund kid is packing his nap sack to head off to the Tour of Dairy lands or some other week long week of racing. No worries cuz the kid from the middle income family can always hit up the next in state crit, but its probably on a Saturday, and he has a job at a bike shop and no one gets Saturdays off at a bike shop. But there is always a meet up with the Wednesday night old fart group ride. Its the same thing right? sure is..
Sure there is always an exception to the rule. This is true. But lets be realistic if we shall. Money opens doors to alot things and when we have it unless we have been without it we really can not relate with those that often are struggling,
We can say we do.
We all can but its not the same.
With all that being bantered. Lets not kid ourselves, all the grip from over indulging parents doesn't always equal success. Pumping a ton of money into something with not all the pieces doesn't make a master piece..
Be thankful for what you got
do yourself a favor..
take a listen