Friday, February 19, 2021

  1. Company's bail on phart bikes
  2. Everyone wants a phart bike
  3. Everyone is Zwiftin
  4. Who is everyone?
  5. Big winter base miles
  6. Why no racing until June
  7. Waterford worlds bro
  8. The Grayling Giant is on Co-Factory Giant
  9. But huh, i thought he was a Base Media guy
  10. What exactly is the meaning behind your Strava name?
  11. The whole world is a lie.
  12. They say rich parents are not a factor in a young athletes success rate
  13. But who is they?
  14. Instagram chick follower, NO i dont want to follow your hot friend
  15. sends friend requests
  16. Can you really use an Aero up while Zwift racing?
  17. Thats ok, its like allowing everyone to dope!


Anonymous said...

1 Yup
2 Nope
3 A lot, but not everyone
4 Good question
5 50/50
6 Lame MBRA and Covid
7 Uh huh
8 Good on him!
9 Good on him!
10 It's my actual name
11 Nah, that's mostly just the Republican parts
12 Depends on the sport
13 See #4
14 Porn is free
15 Isn't on social media
16 Rarely permitted
17 Who cares?

