- Rock the Casaba..bah..blow that muther fucker up
- The Tide is High..not high enough cuz that Blonde bag of bones is still kicking
- Old Tyme rock and roll..love ya bob but if I had to hear that song another time I’m yanking your oxygen cord
- One bourbon..one shot..one beer...fuck George drink yourself till u pass out and shut the fuc up
- Dude looks like a lady, and love in a elevator..pretty much all Aerosmith after 1980 sucks
- Burning down the house..only if your in it Dave..
- Jump...Diamond Dave take your own advice and just do it off a fuckin clif..gawd
- Don’t come around no more...as a matter fact take all your hits and leave Tom Petty
- It’s hip to be square..Huey..u should of found a new drug before you got so god dam lame
- Money for nothing and your chicks for free..DIE fucking Dyer Straights..just die
- All of Depeche Mode
- That fuckin Baseball song by John Fogerty
- Love Shack...yea I’d drop a bomb on those B52 bitches for getting that one stuck in my head
- Unskinny Bop...they shoulda just lived up to there name and Poisoned each other
- The Barney theme song...nuff said
- A doo run run....enough to make even the most docile teenage queen kill
- Sweet home Alabama...doesn’t mean anything anymore
- Pour some sugar on me..more like pour some quick sand on all those losers...god dammit
- Anything by Pantera
- Anything by Nirvana..hell any thing sung by flannel wearing greasy haired heron addicts..
- United by Judas Priest....fuckin horrible
- Stairway to heaven...come on...really...it’s a million years old and twenty minutes fuckin too long
- Seven nation army...yeah Jack ...your not immune
- Killing yourself to live. I love Black Sabbath. But this one puts me in my car and driving to the nearest railroad crossing
- Everything by Metallica.. after and justice for all....
- You might think by the Cars...dam Rick Ric, I loved most of your shit..but this one has me wishing you would of got run down by 72 Ford LTD
- Heard it through the grapevine...trust me boys it’s strong enough TO GO AND HANG YOURSELVES WITH IT....
- The Top Gun soundtrack.....please just let em all crash into a cliff chasing down a mig
- Any rappers after the death of Tupac, and Biggie...
- Any version of Dancing in the streets..cept maybe if there doing it during rush hour...
- U2....play it around me and watch me start looking up on how to pull a battery job
- Van Halen with Sammy Hagar...why can’t this be love...because Dave didnt wanna talk about love..I’d chose Kenny Chesney over anything created during this VH period
- Phil Collins and his entire library.....as if his album covers weren’t enough..his music is just as lame
- Men’s shirts..short skirts..Shanya Twain...go feel like a woman in some other jukebox bitch...
- Death cab for Cutie...take a left at the next intersection...and plunge deep into the Detroit river
- Anything and everything by Phil Collins..if his redundant album covers were not enough
- Dr Feelgood..fuc good god Dr inject me with an tainted batch of heron
- Any country music before 1990..anytime I here it I run straight for the medicine cabinet
- Short skits..men’s shirts...ya Shania your smoking hot..but play any of your music around me and a staircase...and I’m checking out.
- Hotel of California...I’m checking in I pray Lucifer takes me in my sleep..
- Selected Henry Rollins songs..yep Hank..I’d have your back but some of your tunes, sends me searching for both barrels of a shotgun
Wow, someone had a bad week.
😂😂 And maybe some booze to go with it. There were a couple repeats in there. That or they really really hate that shit.
As much as some of the opinions expressed him out, I do think #32 is clever. Go away Sammy.
The later
Love this one! #32 for sure. Maybe 2 good Sammy VH songs ever... And yes, Tin Roof, Rusted! But fix your attitude, most music is good...
FYI, Tom Petty did leave.
I guess Interpol and The Stokes are safe then?...
er Strokes. Yeah, I'm drunk, so what? At least I'm not driving.
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