Friday, April 30, 2021

  1. Remember when you people rode bikes inside only when it was shitty out
  2. Have you shamed an E-biker lately
  3. Cone Azalia happened..sorta
  4. Pretty much everyone that drives a Hemi charger is a douche bag
  5. Did that guy on the strider-bike really do the Willow Time Trial?
  6. Kids of today will never get a chance to know a real burn out
  7. the ppl who died from covid were mouth breathers
  8. Feeling depressed? try drinking coffee so you can have anxiety instead 
  9. In my day tires were skinny and riders were fat
  10. the simpler times were just naive ignorance
  11. Why does every big oversize truck sound a like a drag car
  12. Blocking people isnt enough, for some, most want them dead
  13. hating takes energy, stop whining your tired all the time.
  14. How long will the  gravel phenom last?
  15. life so ez we make it difficult just to have something to struggle with

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