Friday, June 04, 2021

  1. Waiting for the guy to buy his Mountain Dew, Marlboro, and lottery's tickets, while you want to do is pay for your fuckin gas...
  2. Sitting in line at McDonald s, waiting for your Black one dollar coffee while the woman in front of you builds a better breakfast..
  3. Standing for 10 minutes watching the dummy fumble with a self checkout scanner 
  4. Getting in to see your doctor at 10:15, for your 9 am appointment because the money hungry bastard constantly over books...
  5. That Coal train that like to sleep over 5 railroad crossings
  6. Porta Pottys
  7. Missing a green light because someone is checking there status 
  8. Any Cedar Point roller coaster maze
  9. Listening to a co-worker try and describe a movie they can barely remember.
  10. watching the morons try and navigate the self checkout line...this one is worth it twice.....
  11. Nearly all Taco-Bell drive through s
  12. Giving someone un solicited advice 
  13. 1-75 around mile marker 175 on the July 4th holiday
  14. watching fireworks
  15. Stopping by this shitty blog...

Time spent that you will never get back 

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