Friday, August 06, 2021

  1. The scene loses another race..Corktown crit cancelled
  2. Another crash at Waterford worlds..UGH
  3. The scene loses another rad human 
  4. Text a friend daily...
  5. Caffeine Soul is slowly taking back cycling from the snobby pricks
  6. Cross is coming...sorta
  7. At least Alma is..
  8. OH wait! OVCX just released there schedule, pity it’s 2/3 hours away from most sceners 
  9. Iron Cross only has 25 spots left for the old world gravel race 
  10. iPods are rumored to be the mixed tapes of the modern world 
  11. Remember John Rigdon?
  12. Well he’s making a comeback 
  13. the lil Pony parts ways with Base Media
  14. Rumor more to follow 
  15. Your Friday a decent human.


El Jefe Allballz said...

Cross is cumming


spurt spurt......spurt