Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Hey Henry



Your not Henry..

Yeah, I am sorta

Confused, what gives?

Well you see, it used to be a long standing tradition around this time every year a good friend of mine would stop by and give the blog a hand with a little something they once referred to as Power Rankings..

Power Ranking what’s that even mean??

It was just a fun way to rank the local cyclocross racers, heading into the final leg of there season, and to the much coveted State Championship 

Oh neat, expand more.

A group or panel would discuss and debate where the riders fell in order of strength, skill, experience, and mental toughness 

Seems like a lot of work 

It was..

Would you do this for each and every class?

We did, but times have changed, with gravel biking, COVID, and just shear change of people, the cyclocross scene has evaporated into this ghost like sport, despite having a National championship just a state away the interest in the sport is at a all time low. and its a guess on which one of the old guard will ride the ship to the bottom of the great lakes

So i am really confused, then are you gonna do a power rankings?

Um I sure am! doesn’t explain why your dressed the way you are?

Ha! You are correct and sharper than I gave you credit for.

My good friend Danzig, used to be the man, the go to Dude for the almighty power ranking session, but with lack interest, and just lack of funds we are not sure Ol Glenn wants to take the time and is willing to do it for kitty litter. So im dressing in character.

Ahh, so let’s here it..

Oh, not so fast. You will have to wait until tomorrow...


ScottyA said...

May f. around and get my ass kicked by Tom Burke again idk yet