Friday, December 24, 2021

  1. Health, sure you can buy health insurance etc, but Cancer cells have no use for a Fifty spot.
  2. Time. unfortunately your not going to get a chance to pay the big man a few bucks for an extended stay, when its your time  
  3. UCI points. Whew, if only bike racing could be as easy to purchase as some new wheels and a cool kit and a neat pair of sunnies..But i don't know about you but I haven't even scene the Pros closet selling old UCI points at half price..
  4. Manners, if you where raised by slobs, and hypocritical bigots, parents that talk with there mouthful there is a high probability your gonna follow suit
  5. True Friendships, buying rounds of White Claw is good and all!  but man, true friends although few and far between come  come alot cheaper than a bar tab
  6. Podium spots, much like the UCI points, early pre registrations may save you some grip but it doesn't have a box to check for a sure spot on the podium for a even  few dollars more 
  7. Life Purpose not sure if you can put a price on having a direction in life other than making more money 
  8. Inner peace, calmness and tranquility doesn't have to come with a price, 
  9. Self-esteem, new boobs, new nose and puffy lips, yea but when do you stop?
  10. Athletic ability, ok, taking drugs and the best equipment money can buy out of the equation , but without proper training and a solid head on your shoulders..its a stretch
  11. Your five senses, taste, touch smell etc..nope.
  12. Style,ya sure you can lay down all the grip on the latest cool shit, but without a proper sense of style, you can still look like 10 pounds of shit in a 5 pound bag.
  13. Situational awareness, ya think??
  14. Spiritual growth, never scene a hearse with  a luggage rack
  15. The proper advice...over the years, the Magic Eight your only true ally 

cant buy me love...

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