Since it’s actually still my place even though I don’t hang out here as much as I did before,
I still got the fob, the keys, the passcodes etc..
So in all actuality I can still rant one off when the urge hits me.
And tonight it hit me..
Man I dunno how it got soo crazy goofy soo fast,
I suppose it’s just how we have ask Americans have evolved,
Hang in there with me for a bit.
I know my grammar ain’t easy chew.
I have this silly old theory, it all began right bout the time we got the gift of smartphones,
bout that time it was much easier to give the gift of the Galaxy to your kids,
cuz adding a line seemed far more economical than 369 dollar GT pro performer.
Andwithin a fortnight, kids all across America ceased riding bikes through neighborhoods in favor or swiping around on that fabulous handheld device.
Thus the movement started.
Never satisfied, always searching,
attention spans grew shorter as new versions are released in Godzilla like proportions.
How’s this relate to my interpretation of these folks enjoying themselves in the backcountry of bliss?
I dunno man, I’m all for evolution, hell it’s my DNA deeper than most know, I love the movement, and probably as guilty as everyone, I love new trends, and pushing the envelopes of creativity, doing it differently, using two hands instead one,
virtual, and in person,
black and white,
and in full vivid techno color,
on a cloud or stored in a hard drive, yeah that’s me.
But something bout these folks spoke to me,
But that shit looks a hellva lot more enjoyable on a flat bar mountain bike, and oh my can I say this..with bar ends??
I get’s about the experience, and the evolution of it.
Seems like folks are in a bigger hurry than before, to move,
to go where and when they get there, they ain’t satisfied,
not until they hang another bag on it and find something else to stuff in it.
Man fools fckn I’m old..
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