Friday, March 18, 2022

  1. Anything new and improved, in short the first run was garbage and companies are trying to save face
  2. Owning a home, work your ass off to maintain something..
  3. The American dream, built by old white man to make more money 
  4. First addition anything...see number one.
  5. The Gravel tire movement, too many choices, how about dry n fast conditions, or varied conditions? 
  6. Instagram sunglasses, cheap knockoffs priced 30 times higher than there quality 
  7. Non fat/low fat it’s all processed shit.
  8. Religion, worship god, the sun, clouds or ass, just be a cool person 
  9. Second marriage...hmmmm..exceptions  to every rule but man if you tried hard the first time second time might not be worth all the input.
  10. Third marriage, your doing it wrong..
  11. McDonald’s crispy chicken sandwich, sorry not that good
  12. Lord anything from McDonald’s, except...there coffee 
  13. Any 3 dollar bottle energy drink 
  14. Rim brake bikes costing more than 3K 
  15. 4 dollar sales on Only Fan pages
  16. Starbucks Coffee, not as awesome as 
  17. Jeep Wranglers, look awesome, and despite there reputation..over priced and absolute junk 
  18. The sensational T shirts on Instagram 

still not buying into the hype


Anonymous said...

Too much hype...not buying any of it. But McDonald's coffee 🤢

Anonymous said...
