Rudy: hey Tripper can I ask you a question?
Tripper: Rudy ask away
Rudy: I’m i out dated? Tripper: ya know a Dinosaur of sorts.
Tripper: Rudy your a mere 15 years old, how in gods name can be out dated.
Rudy: I mean not me in general, but more my style..
Tripper: I’m confused
Rudy: well I’ve tried to be more involved, put myself out there, interact more with people, and I mean I seem to do that ok, I guess..
Tripper: your killing me kid..spit it out..
Rudy: ok, my wheels are barely 40mm, my frame has welds, my shoes are older than Five percent of my competitors, and my power meter is nearly first generation, not to mention the carbon fiber ratio on my rig is almost as low as my max sprint. wattage ..
I dunno Tripper, I feel like even lowly judge my credibility on my place in the peloton by this stuff.
Tripper: come on Rudy...really..
Rudy: yeah Tripper it’s important to me i want the others to like me, and engage with me. think im cool..
Tripper: is this in any way shape or form effecting your overall performance?
Rudy: well no I suppose not.
Tripper: then it just doesn’t matter. Here’s the deal Rudy, if your Shit is clean and socks are not all dingy, and the dudes you just dusted off can smell the freshly laundered skin suit your ok. It’s a forever battle to try and.... fit in.
Rudy: I suppose
Tripper let me ask you a few questions...Do you have a helmet made within the last two years?
Rudy: yes of course
Tripper: what size are your tires
Rudy: mountain or road
Tripper: both
Rudy: 700/28 on my road bike 29/2.3 on my my mountain
Tripper: how much psi are you running on game day?
Rudy: maybe 78 on road, and around 22 off road
Tripper: are you running inner tubes?
Rudy: no way Tripper, I don’t even own a bike with inner tubes anymore
Tripper: Tripper rim brakes?
Rudy: absolutely not
Tripper: I’m gonna stop there...your doing fine..go ride your bike.....
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