Friday, July 22, 2022

  1. Base Media heads south with a strong group of sceners 
  2. established themselves as the utmost rulers of organized group rides
  3. The highly promoted M1 race goes off, attendance was lack luster
  4. Cool course with a great vibe
  5. Showcasing automobiles worth more than my life
  6. Cat 1/2/3/4/5 was its semi normal 20 riders
  7. Lots of regulars are MIA
  8. Junge continued to stretch his legs
  9. Master Sprinter and coach to nearly the entire metro scene unleashes a 2016 sprint on a bunch unsuspecting old dudes
  10. Skrocki picks up the scraps
  11. Special K is also ran..and
  12. The infamous Rippin Ronnie is scene lurking around
  13. Highlander comes east and reveals what the end of the world looks like 
  14. Overhead...”good thing there are no hilly road races anymore as that dude ain’t going uphill anywhere “
  15. Overhead “ yea but he still hand you your ass at least once a season “
  16. 2022 will forever be known as the year that race car track saved Michiganscene road racing 
  17. The Crusher happened 
  18. Was met it’s usual gravel enthusiasm 
  19. That runner guy from Ann Arbor was there
  20. What’s new?
  21. Cross talk is heard quietly spoken
  22. It’s barely summer and 11 people are practicing 
  23. The schedule scares me a bit..
  24. I’m TMS and I hate TMS 
  25. Overhead..”I’m not TMS and I love TMS 

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