Friday, August 19, 2022

1.Hey it’s the Zeeland Twighlight crit going rabbit?
No Tripper I’ve got other plans, kinda wanted to but you know life takes precedence 

2. Hines Time Trial, I did not see your name in any results?
Yea, Trip..missed that too, kicking myself I didn’t go, 20ks are in my Wheel house..

3. You see who won the 1/2+field?
Yeah, Tripper, I kinda got a chuckle..The Junge guy pretty much felt he had it tied up..Just goes to show ya nothing is guaranteed..

4. Looked like Watermoo was a success!
Sure did Trip, I’m kinda digging the Fondo gravel thing..

5. Ya know what a wise man once said...Evolution is a beautiful thing 
I’m starting think your ...eeer I mean Mr T was’s kinda what people want...I mean it doesn’t necessarily jive with my world. But I like it.

6. See the annual Debates end of the year crit/circuit race is back on.
Sure is nice payouts, but looks like a long day for most

7. Bummer for the Grayling Giant...
Yeah, mechanical s suck

8. Wonder what the Wiz is up to?
I hear 210 

9. I see there’s another gravel race added to the Calendar 
Cool name, To Hell and Back. Sadly its on the same weekend as Debates

10. Big double header crit in Indy the same weekend too
Doubtful it will have an impact on the Michiganscene as only 4 or five riders are willing to travel 

11. The future of Michigan cycling 
Yea, not the wheel to be on..just saying 

12. Oh and speaking of that wonder why the state Time Trial championship was a 20k
Because no one likes 40ks

13. Kinda like 90 minute crits
What are those? 

14. You see the names in some of last weeks many results? 
Yea...AGame at ore to shore...quick Nick Durrie at the Watermoo...Jer Walker at Hines..pretty cool see dudes still lurking around 

and outside too...

15. Rumor has it your TMS?
Nope..not me ..but if I was I’d hate it..

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