Friday, September 09, 2022

  1. The Equalizer
  2. Pepperoni pizza 
  3. McDouble 
  4. Cheese popcorn 
  5. Zip Hoodies 
  6. Thriftiness 
  7. Diet Coke
  8. Lays Potato chips 
  9. Ass 
  10. Thick thighs 
  11. Dark Hair, Ginger, Blonde..short ..long..shoulder length 
  12. In that order 
  13. Tan sidewalls 
  14. Outside..
  15. Inside only if it’s beyond Doughnut ride level 
  16. Solo..
  17. Ride, rather than drive to ride..
  18.  Intervals...rather than aerobic 
  19. Second hand...
  20. Silence instead of Hatership
  21. Vision Quest...
  22. Ice Castles 
  23. Dirty Harry 
go to...


Anonymous said...

What are things that are better in the summer?


Next week ⚡️