Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Hey Henry.....


Cross is coming..

So I hear..



Come on Henry...


Well show some enthusiasm...hell remember when you were are sole spokesman for the sport back in the golden to step back up to the mic and bring a little of that old snarly spark back to the scene? 

I dunno maybe...

2022 CX series 

Nice concept...looks like the fellas did some revamping of the old thing that was limping for many seasons.

Yay sure does Henry...

Le Frost?

Doesn’t seem soo frosty in 80 degree September heat

Mike Seamen..

Legend...but sadly does anyone even know who is?

The lil Pony..

Thought he retired ????

Oh no Henry..the Pony is still out there and riding quite well

Tubeless vs Tubular 

Tubular...hands done...if your a CX veteran then only you know the true advantages to running tubulars

I suppose 

That runner guy from Ann Arbor 

Hats off to this guy, hopefully his marriage holds out...

That’s a weird thing to say..


I guess my big question for you Henry, is what is your take on the whole CX series..

Well, I am super pumped to see someone or some people to find step up to the pulpit and tear up the old Michiganscene constitution of CX, and try and rewrite to the book, it took some solid guts and teamwork to come up with some for the modern day, swipers.. do I think it’s a step in the right direction? Yeah, do I see it as being successful. Maybe, am I optimistic about its future...sure someone and something had to change before all that was left was those same 5/or 6 people from back in the I worried about the closely crammed together schedule..hmmmm yeah...might hamper it...and do I think It’s a good thing that basically it’s almost a fair weather sport without any real events reaching into the depths of December’s cold ..sorta.. but with the invention of all the Zwifting, and indoor stuff, I think gone are the days of yore when CX was supposed to be a semi off season boost to a riders fitness for the next year, since in all actuality. There really is no off season anymore...

Interesting Henry...can we count on you to stick around for the CX series?


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