Friday, November 11, 2022

  1. Mother Nature has a great sense of humor and spares the good folks of TC a little misery
  2. Only the slow fret over tire choic
  3. Wonder if anyone will wear those free ICEMAN stocking caps after last weekend?
  4. Does anyone still by the ICEMAN merch anymore?
  5. Alexey wins ICEMAN....just in case anyone didn’t catch that..
  6. Those after parties looked off the hook..
  7. Overhead u no it’s a party when a Minotaur shows up
  8. If your a social media follower and didn’t do ICEMAN, chances are you’ve been on suicide watch since noon last Saturday..
  9. Boy howdy the Folks behind the gravel series are on top of shit...
  10. Sadly nothing really on the East side of I-75..
  11. The roadies are jealous 
  12. Roadies..what’s a roadie?
  13. Scottys new whip looks sick!
  14. Joberon did 100 miles at Island lake, and we thought the Evil-Dudes Black October thing was creepy!
  15. Chances are you have walked by a car with a kidnapped person in it and you never new.

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